Relase UPDATE skin dari Alpha skin yaitu ALPHA CONTROL Ver 8.48, Kali ini saya bagikan Skin untuk mempercantik tampilan skin di program delphi anda, berikut fitur update-nya :
* Fixed error in the TsDBLookupCombobox popup window destroying
* Added the TsFrameBar.TitleItem.TextAlignment property
* Added support of the EllipsisPosition property in the TsLabel
* Fixed error in the ShellTreeView destroying
* Improved aligning of Caption in the TsSpeedButton
* Improved drawing of Default buttons
* Added support of the TextHint property in the TsMaskEdit
* Improved dynamic changing of AlphaHints
* Added support of the OnCustomDrawItem event in the TsListView component
* Published new "Office2013 Blue", "Office2013 Green" and "Office2013 Red" skin
Nah penasaran ingin mencobanya silahkan download link dibawah ini, didalamnya sudah support untuk :
Delphi 5
Delphi 6
Delphi 2005 - 2010
Delphi XE
Delphi XE-2
Delphi XE-3 - Delphi XE 5